Monday, April 20, 2009

Blowing dust off the blog...

Happy Belated Easter to all that celebrated last week. My family celebrates 'Greek' Easter which is on a different calendar from the regular Easter and that was just yesterday. Also my birthday was Saturday - dare I admit it was the big 30?? I prefer to think I am aging backwards now, though - so I'm 28 again. ;)

Anyway, despite all that celebrating I've been rather bummed and not wanting to spread it around so that's the real reason for my quiet. Far too often I find myself trying to go to sleep at night and awake thinking of my pending operation and all the hassle, pain, and stress it will cause. But I know I have to go through with this operation as I'm in far too much pain and there is no real future to look forward to unless I try to fix my back.

So anyway - putting that aside. I do desperately need good vibes and positive thoughts. I finally managed to clear some space and time aside again to get back focused on my many, many half finished projects. I think crafting and today's sunshine (it rained ALL weekend) will lift my spirits so I'm ready to jump back in.

Next week I know at least two flea markets I want to go to and a show 'Artopy' which is a Indie type art and craft show by the local Show Me Etsy group. I'm definitely looking forward to that show - the last one, Green with Indie didn't go well for me. I can't walk for more than a minute or two and ended up seeing barely anything at all and the pain was horrible. So this week I'm buying a wheel chair and experiencing the show. If you are in St. Louis then or near enough to come - check out the link above for details. I'll take a few pictures if I can.

(I'm so shy in person that I usually chicken out from taking pictures of people's booths or stores as I think they'll get mad and think I'm stealing ideas or something - does anyone else have that problem?? Should I mention I have a blog and will be promoting their stuff rather than taking away from them? Just a paranoid question from a paranoid person...)


Mademoiselle Julie said...

Wow, DEEP post. First of: happy belated BDay! Take it from an experienced 30-something gal: it ISN'T as bad as you think! It's quite alright to age w/dignity! We get WISER! Nothing beats that feeling, if you ask me... Back pain?! Vey sorry to hear that. I hope there is a cure for you... In re to the other booths & taking pix: ANYONE will be flattered if you'd tell them the TRUTH. Very easy, no lengthy speech or "excuse", just the truth... If they don't want any pix taken, that's quite all right, too. I doubt it, but it will be OK. Good luck! Cheers, Julie

Christine said...

Lol..I'm laughing at your bit about asking for photos..I'm the same way~I would make the worst photo journalist ever and that's why I rarely show pics of restaurants, shops,etc that I go to because I'm afraid of being kicked out or something. I remember taking photos in SF's Chinatown and some man shop keeper started yelling at me when I was taking probably started with that:)

Happy Belated Birthday! 30 is hardly old..I'll be 39 this summer..yikes!..yikes!!

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